- 330 delegates from over 140 countries participated in Mock COP26.
- 28 student staff paid at the UK real living wage (September 2020-December 2022) from Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, India, Japan, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, and the UK.
- In the run up, and during the Mock COP26 event, we had media coverage in over 40 countries, including 30 broadcast interviews, with a reach of over 98 million people.
- 8 delegates received microgrants for their campaigning in phase 2.
- 5 Virtual Reality (VR) films created and screened in the Green Zone at COP26. The My Climate Reality videos show the effects of the climate crisis and the active resistance underway and being led by youth.
- 7 student staff were supported to represent Mock COP at COP26, and 6 student staff at COP27.
- Co-organised, with the UK Presidency, Government of Italy, UNESCO, and Youth4Climate, the first ever Education and Environment Ministers Summit at COP26 – Together for Tomorrow: Education and Climate Action. 21 nations provided pledges committing to climate education.
- 1,800+ online views of ‘What does meaningful youth leadership look like?’ presented at COP26 and streamed via COP26’s official YouTube channel.
- Delivered Teach the Teacher to the ‘Permanent Secretary of the UK Department for Education’ and invited key educationalists in their Gen Z COP26 classroom which was live-streamed to 10,000+ people.
- Campaigners have engaged world leaders with the Mock COP treaty at COPs and within their countries, including the President of Columbia, President of Ghana, Prime Minister of Thailand, Prime Minister of Norway, Prime Minister of Nepal, Vice-President of European Commission, and other high-level officials.
- Delegates and campaigners actively lobbying in 30 countries since January 2021. For more examples of this, view our infographic.
- Mock COP was a key partner for the organisation and running of the first-ever Children & Youth Pavilion at COP27.
- Mock COP hosted an event with the UK Department for Education and the British Council (receiving 51,711 views on social media via a livestream) and joined several events as speakers on climate education at COP27.